On the 10th of November 2021, the first day of the Italian pilot took place in the Public High Education Institute “Pio La Torre” in Palermo of the project IoToAI. Students with SSH curriculum tested one of the modules developed by the consortium of the project.

IoToAI – Internet of Things to Artificial Intelligence is a project that involves partners from different European countries: Northern Ireland, Italy and Spain and it is funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ programme, Key Action 2 (Strategic Partnership for Innovation and Exchange of good practices).

The aim of IoToAI project is to develop a specific and innovative training for modernising workers’ and students’ profiles. Thanks to this project, the industry will also benefit, because the technicians will have the chance to apply the knowledge acquired in the training course within their factories or sectors, as they can be part of ICT departments in charge. At the same time, young employees with a completely different professional background and high IT affinity are coming forward.

The CEIPES project managers started the pilot phase by explaining the module – Introduction of the Internet of Things, through the e-learning platform.

The module has been developed in such a way that students can be aware of what IoT is, explain the difference between physical objects and virtual objects. It was very interesting to see the enthusiasm of the students in understanding that the “things” in the IoT are around us, from the school to the post office, from agricultural producers to the cities can became smart cities.

Furthermore, in the course developed it is explained how companies and industries, in any field, which are currently going through a period of Digital Transformation. So, everything that previously was done in a long way, for example by completing paper forms, now it is possible to do everything digitally. This is possible thanks to digitization.

Obviously, the industries and companies of the future will soon be called Industries and Companies 4.0, because they will have the ability to manage the work in a totally digital way.

This project will contribute to a higher quality of education and training offering by developing different training paths for VET students and attracting HE graduates to an innovative VET.

How important is the right connection between “things” students have understood through the benefits and challenges that the Internet of Things goes through to improve our future, in private life and at work. 

Finally, the final quiz of the module was delivered, everyone had an excellent level of learning. In fact, the students are very excited to continue the pilot phase since in the next meetings we will talk about Cloud Computing and Blockchain and so on.

For more information, please visit the website of the project or the Facebook and Twitter pages.