Thanks to the great contribution of the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, IoToAI partners are very glad to announce that they attended INTED 21 – 15th annual Technology, Education and Development Conference presenting a contribution about IoToAI project: “Training Recommendations Of The Key Enabling Technologies In The Digital Era to VET Authorities “.  

The INTED conference has been held on the 8th, 9th and 10th of March 2021 in Valencia, Spain, but due to the COID-19 it was set up in an online way. The conference was a great opportunity to present and share our experiences in the fields of Education, Technology and Development in a multicultural and enriching atmosphere. In the conference took part more then 700 participants from 80 different countries and different field.

The paper presented has been organized in three different steps: the identification of the KETs for driving the digital transformation; the analysis of ICT VET curricula in the partners’ countries (North Ireland, Italy and Spain) and the analysis of training programs for VET students and workers specialized in Social Science and Humanities (SSH) occupations, from VET and HE profile.

The conclusions of the work performed have been used as the input for elaborating a report about training recommendations of KETs in the digital era to VET authorities, summarized in this contribution.

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